Sunday, September 28, 2008

Two-Day Sail - Santa Cruz to Monterey

On the last weekend in September, 11 friends and I chartered two boats from Pacific Yachting in Santa Cruz and sailed to Monterey, stayed overnight, and sailed back the next day. We planned this trip two months ahead and actually had enough people to fill three boats at one point. A few people bailed, and we ended up with 6 and 6 on Zazan, a 46' Beneteau and We're Outta Here, a 36' Catalina. The crews were (respectively):
  • Skipper Jeremy with Chris, Dave G, Nancy, Paul, and Rick
  • Skipper Kerry with Dave S, Norbert, Sandi, Todd, and myself
We gathered on the docks with so much stuff it looked like we were going to be out to sea for a month!
Almost as soon as we left Santa Cruz Harbor, Zazan took off—a much bigger and faster boat with much bigger sails. Before we separated, though, we all got our first look at a gray whale. What a sight!

Our sail to Monterey was long (about 5 hours) and uneventful, except for the pod of whales we found about half way across. We were socked in with fog, so we couldn't see land for most of the trip. We stayed on a heading of 150 and were basically on a beam reach the whole time.
As we neared Monterey, we came out of the fog and into a crisp sunny day. The coast looked magnificent. We were in radio contact with Zazan off and on during the day and entered the harbor shortly after they did. As we motored in, we passed a very cute otter and a long seawall full of barking sea lions... hundreds of them. I thought they were very cool... at least until I tried to sleep that night!

After we docked and prepped the boats for an overnight stay, we all gathered on Zazan for a happy hour. Then we wandered over to the famous Fisherman's Wharf and looked for a place that could accommodate all of us. Sure... 12 people on Fisherman's Wharf on a Saturday night... no problem! Actually, it wasn't a problem. The second restaurant we tried sat us right down, and it was actually quite a delicious meal according to all accounts. I think it was Domenico's On The Wharf. Please let me know if that was not the name of it!

After dinner, we wandered back to the boats in the fog and finally settled down for a good night's sleep. Uh, not really... not with the barking sea lions. We all wore ear plugs, but between the really LOUD barking sea lions and the unfamiliar bed, I really didn't sleep much.

The next morning, we all got up within an hour or so of each other, got ready, and walked down to Cannery Row for breakfast. We ate at Jeremy's favorite breakfast place, which was also quite good - Trailside Cafe.

Shortly thereafter, we set sail for Santa Cruz. Once again, it was one tack most of the way—a heading of 330 on a beam reach in fog the whole way. The most exciting part of that leg of the trip was the 30-40 minute show of orcas, grays, and dolphins. What a fantastic show! We just happened to sail right into their pod. We took down the sails and lingered with them as long as they stuck around. We got some awesome pictures! Be sure to check out my Picasa web album for lots more pictures than I could fit here.