Monday, October 1, 2007

Sailing to the Wreck

On Sunday, Dave and I took a Merit out for the day and had no particular destination in mind. We'd brought along sandwiches in case we didn't make a stop but thought about maybe going to Coyote Point or San Leandro, if conditions were in our favor.

It was a gorgeous, warm and sunny day... a real treat after being in cold weather for the past week. The winds were light when we left (~5 knots) and it was a flood tide, so we weren't going anywhere fast. Dave asked if I'd ever been out to the south bay wreck. I hadn't gone out there because I knew the water was really shallow around it. Dave said he'd been to it many times, so after checking the depth around the wreck on a nav chart and double-checking the tides, we headed out toward the wreck. The wind was behind us, so we got there pretty quickly. I'd seen the top of it from a distance many times, but it was cool to see it up close.

The wind had picked up by this time (maybe 18-20 knots), and we decided to go find the S, Y, and X race markers (just because we could) but only found one. After noting the positions of the race markers on a Sequoia Yacht Club racing chart the next day, I think we found S but couldn't find the other two markers. The rest of the day, we just putzed around the bay and the channel, took a side-trip to Pete's Harbor, and sailed back into the docks around 5pm. This was the most relaxing day I've had on the water yet. Thank you, Dave!

1 comment:

Norbert Kiesel said...

That photo looks like you were closer to the wreck than were you took us today. I wonder how close you can actually get with high tide...