Saturday, April 26, 2008

Music Night - Aja Vu

Saturday night, Sandi, Alice, Jean, and I went out to dinner at Portobello Grill and then to the Little Fox Theater in Redwood City to hear Aja Vu. The only connections to sailing are that we all sail, and my buddy, Steve Stanley, is the trumpet player for Aja Vu and a sailing instructor at Spinnaker Sailing, where I do a lot of my sailing. Steve and I got friendly when we were in the BVIs. Ever since his trumpet performances on deck of his boat as he was leaving the anchorages every morning, I've been wanting to get out and hear his band play.

Aja Vu plays mostly Steeley Dan covers. They're very good and really get everyone moving and singing along. It was fun to get out and see my sailing friends in a different setting for a change... and finally to see Steve in his element... well, maybe his second element!

Thanks for Alice and Sandi for the pictures they took with their cell phones!

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