Saturday, July 26, 2008

Last SYC Summer Series Race of the Season

Saturday was the last SYC Summer Series race of the season. I'm not sure why they finish the summer series so early, but there you have it. I crewed for Stan on Smokin' J, as usual.

It was a gorgeous day... the perfect summer temperature (mid 80s) and sunny. There was no wind at all as we motored out the channel. It picked up a little when we were getting ready to start, and then all of a sudden, right at 12:30pm, the race started and the wind picked up to a steady 12-15 kts and stayed that way throughout the race. It was as if someone flipped the wind switch on! It was great! It was dead low tide when we got out of the channel around noon with a flood during the whole race. There were some waves for a while, but the swell was minimal most of the afternoon.

The course was crazy and long (9.61 miles). The start/finish was between channel markers 3 and 4. The course was out to S to 3 to 12 to S to 3 to S and finally back to the start/finish between 3 and 4, all rounding to port.

On the upwind legs, Skipper Stan was our tactition, Kerry was at the helm, Jerry was on the main, KO and I were on jib sheets, and Monica and Norbert were rail meat. On the downwind legs, Monica was foredeck, I was at the mast until it was made and then ran back and took the guy, KO was pit, Kerry did spinnaker trim, Jerry stayed on the main, and Norbert took the helm. It was a bit chaotic at times during the hoist and douse, but we made it work, flying the chute 3 times in all.

As for results, we did the best we've done all summer... came in second. Yeah! There are no more SYC weekend races until November. I'm really going to miss them...

Sorry... no pictures this time.

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