Saturday, August 18, 2007


I've loved all sorts of boating and water sports all my life. I spent a lot of time on a friend's boat last summer and missed it when we stopped hanging out together. So I decided to get serious about sailing this year and started my first sailing lessons in April, 2007. Well, not my first lessons... I took lessons once a week for a whole summer at Shoreline Lake about 12 years ago. Those were 17-foot daysailers that could be handled by one or two people. It was lame compared to what I'm doing now.

Anyway, I'm a writer, a photographer, and somewhat of a geek, and I've been wanting to do a blog for a long time but never felt like I had anything to say. Now I do! This blog is my sort of journal of my sailing experiences. Unfortunately, I've been really busy all summer and haven't had time to start it until now. So I'll have to back up a bit to the spring and then catch up to the present.

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